Filing deadline is Tuesday afternoon
Two of three Board of Education incumbents said Monday night they still hadn’t decided whether to seek new terms.
Petitions to get on the April 27 ballot are due by 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 8, in the office of the Hillsborough Township school business administrator at 379 South Branch Road
Neil Hudes and Judith Haas both said they would go up to the deadline before deciding. Wolfgang Schneider, who is in his ninth year on the board, said previously he wouldn’t seek another term.
Voters will choose on Tuesday, April 27, at the same time they approve or disapprove of the tax levy to carry the 2011-12 school budget.
A full term on the school board is three years.
A prospective member legally must:
Be able to read and write;
Be a citizen and live in the district for at least one year;
Be registered to vote before filing a petition;
Have no interest in a contract, or claim against, the board;
Not hold office on the local governing body, and
Not simultaneously hold two elective offices.
Ms. Haas is chair of the communications committee. Mr. Schneider is chair of the curriculum committee, and Mr. Hudes chair of the negotiations committee.
Prospective candidates can obtain a “School Board Candidates Kit” and a petition from the school Web site at