Apology needed

Stephen Monson, Bordentown Township
Exactly how hypocritical is Bruce Hill? Well I guess it depends on whether or not he likes the person delivering the message.
   Last August, my wife Virginia “Gini” Monson spoke at a Bordentown Township Committee meeting. She spoke on the subject of the lack of curb appeal in the commercial corridor of the township and how it impacts on people traveling through the township or who may be interested in living here.
   When she finished, then Mayor Bruce Hill proceeded to chastise and scream at her and claimed her motives were political. See article in Register News, Aug. 26, 2010.
   Last Monday night, Mr. Bob McGuire, a prominent and well respected businessman in Bordentown addressed the Township Committee on exactly the same issue as Mrs. Monson: the lack of curb appeal of the commercial corridor of Bordentown Township.
   Following Mr. McGuire’s comments, Mr. Hill immediately offered praise and support for those comments.
   How embarrassing is it that we have a person such as Mr. Hill, sitting on our Township Committee. When he does not like the message or the messenger, even thought the comments made by a citizen are legitimate, he becomes sarcastic, he yells and criticizes them, and falsely claims their motive to be political.
   Yet, a mere seven months later when another citizen makes the exact same comments, he offers praise.
   We the citizens of Bordentown Township desire better! Mr. Hill, you still owe Mrs. Monson a public apology for your boorish behavior? But, maybe an apology, or an admission that you were wrong is not part of your character?