Sayreville-SouthAmboy Girl Scouts will conduct a membership drive during the City of SouthAmboy Festival and Street Fair 2011 set for 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 25 on Broadway, South Amboy. Rain date is Oct. 2.
The public is invited to visit the Scouts’ display. Girls are being recruited from Sayreville and South Amboy for all six Girl Scout Levels — Daisy (kindergarten-grade 1), Brownie (grades 2-3), Junior (grades 4- 5), Cadette (grades 6-8), Senior (grades 9- 10) and Ambassador (grades 11-12). Adult volunteers also are sought.
School supplies will be accepted for students affected by Hurricane Irene.
For more information, call Kathie at 732-727-5243 or email [email protected].