Plumsted police will be watching drivers

PLUMSTED — Residents and visitors to Plumsted can expect to see an increased police presence on local roads on Oct. 10 as officials take part in the annual “Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day.”

The initiative, which began in 2001, is designed to reduce the annual number of motor vehicle-related deaths across the country and to remind drivers about the importance of following the rules of the road.

“Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day” was started in Kansas by that state’s Department of Transportation.

The initiative’s ultimate goal is to have a day that is completely free of fatalities on the road. Drivers are asked to follow traffic laws, wear their seat belts and refrain from driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

“[Motor vehicle accidents are] the leading cause of death for people between the ages of 18 and 34. Across the nation, crashes alone caused 32,788 fatalities last year, while in New Jersey, 556 individuals lost their lives,” said Sgt. Matthew Petrecca, the Officer in Charge of the Plumsted Police Department. “We are going to be targeting motorcyclists, bicycle riders, pedestrians and other modes of transportation. We are looking to promote safer driving behaviors.”

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