Bromberg is wrong about Bryan Maher

Laura Murphy Siegler, West Windsor
To the editor:
I was appalled to read of Andrew Bromberg’s recent misinformed criticism of West Windsor Council candidate Bryan Maher in the Princeton Packet.
   Clearly Mr. Bromberg does not know Mr. Maher as I have for the past 10 years.
   Regarding Mr. Bromberg’s accusations, it is obvious that he has not followed the platform on which Mr. Maher and his colleagues are running. Bryan has publicly stated numerous times that he does want to see additional parking for West Windsor residents and has even complained that it is taking way too long. He also publicly supports re-development — although he wants to ensure that it does not come at the expense of West Windsor taxpayers. He also believes that redevelopment should be focused on improving West Windsor’s REAL downtown area – Route 571 – not a developer-owned office park.
   We need someone with Mr. Maher’s financial expertise to get West Windsor taxes under control. He is the type of person that can get things done expeditiously and cost effectively. What we don’t need is four more years of council people “rubber stamping” the mayor’s agenda, which has led to a 124 percent increase in the WW municipal tax levy over the past 10 years.
Laura Murphy Siegler
West Windsor 