Garden Club to host talk on wild animals

New Jersey’s wild garden visitors are the topic of the Clean Communities Wildlife Program hosted by the Metuchen Garden Club on March 4.

Diana Dove, a senior naturalist for Somerset County Parks, and Mike Dove, who has more than 30 years of experience in forestry and wildlife management, will present a program titled, “NJ Wild Garden Visitors” at the next meeting of the Garden Club of Metuchen. The program will include information on what to do when encountering native animals, such as raccoons, skunks, opossums, turtles, flying squirrels, groundhogs and deer in the garden, while helping participants understand ways to improve the environment and help protect wildlife.

Using stuffed taxidermy animals borrowed through the Morris Museum’s loan Department, the presenters will help participants understand ways to improve the environment and help protect wildlife from harmful litter. The program is part of the “Critter and Litter Series” created by Dove Environmental Education.

The presentation begins at 7 p.m., and is held at the St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall, at the corner of Middlesex (Route 27) and Oak avenues. Light refreshments will be served after the presentation. This program is being funded by Metuchen Clean Communities, and is open to all ages , at no charge.

For additional information, contact [email protected].