Pink Night

 Middlesex County College (MCC) player Jordan Thomas (l) tips off against Corinne Morgan, of Ocean County College, as MCC Assistant Athletic Director Carey Monkowski (rear, l-r), Delores Scolamiero, a cancer survivor who officiated the tipoff, and Joann La Perla-Morales, MCC president, look on during Pink Night at the college in Edison. The breast cancer awareness event saw men’s and women’s teams from both colleges facing off on the court, along with fundraising efforts. The Middlesex teams took both games. The women won 66-63, and the men won 83-72. Middlesex County College (MCC) player Jordan Thomas (l) tips off against Corinne Morgan, of Ocean County College, as MCC Assistant Athletic Director Carey Monkowski (rear, l-r), Delores Scolamiero, a cancer survivor who officiated the tipoff, and Joann La Perla-Morales, MCC president, look on during Pink Night at the college in Edison. The breast cancer awareness event saw men’s and women’s teams from both colleges facing off on the court, along with fundraising efforts. The Middlesex teams took both games. The women won 66-63, and the men won 83-72.