Princeton Fundraising Marathon Organization Started with a Dream

By Aaron Himelman
One year ago, fundraising marathon organization Team U was founded at Princeton University with a goal in mind: to make a difference in the world. Creating an organization that combines running for a healthy lifestyle while supporting charity into one common goal did not come easily. However, the enthusiasm of college students wanting to be a part of the change made the idea become a reality.
“I guess you can say that Team U started with a dream,” said sophomore and founder Joe Benun.  “But it wasn’t just one person’s dream. It’s the dream of millions of people across the world who wake up every morning hoping to do their little part. And together, this global dream is the one that will change the world.”
Team U seeks to raise awareness about global health and poverty through running races, with a focus on the half marathon distance. Since its founding, the organization has fundraised over $13,000 for Shoe4Africa, which is using the funds to build a children’s hospital in Kenya.
Team U’s first official event, the Unite Half Marathon, garnered over 70 runners from Princeton University in 2012. This year, there are over 80 students signed up, including many who will be running a half marathon for the first time.
When runners finish a race, they are not just achieving satisfaction in completing the race.  Crossing the finish line knowing that their running accomplishment is making a difference in the lives of children halfway around the world provides for an unforgettable and rewarding experience.
Over the past six months, interest in Team U has also spread to universities across the nation, including Yale, University of Maryland, and University of California Irvine.
“When I first got involved in Team U, I never would have guessed how far it would come in such a short time,” said Student Development officer Charlie Fortin. “But Team U’s success at Princeton and in spreading to other schools shows how strong the power of the dream really is.”
Aaron Himelman
3467 Frist Campus Center
Princeton, New Jersey 08544
Ph: (732) 841-1383