
MANVILLE: Basketball Wizards to display athleticism, comedy on Saturday

By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
   Basketball — mixed with a lot of on-court comedy — comes to the Manville High School gym this Saturday, May 4, at 7 p.m.
   The Harlem Wizards will pit their slam-dunking, slick-passing skills against a team of Manville teachers, coaches and local personalities in a game for charity.
   Players risk putting themselves to ridicule from the wisecracking Wizards.
   Still, agreeing to play are Mike Magliacano, the principal at Roosevelt and Alexander Batcho Intermediate schools, and Interim Recreation Director Stephanie Cornelson.
   Teachers Carl Ruffer (Weston), Roosevelt teachers Anne Marie Ianiero and Lisa Harrity, Jen Weber (ABIS), high school nurse Angele Palmer and Rob Snyder (high and intermediate schools) will take their shifts against the Wizards.
   Dan Sferazza, ABIS teacher and girls’ varsity basketball coach and Mike Knitowski, Manville graduate and assistant high school and ABIS basketball coach should bring some skills to the local team. Be warned, however, the Wizards score a lot of points off the slam-dunk fast break.
   From the borough recreation world, coaches Dennis Petti, Charlie Zuza (softball), John Norz (basketball) and Pam Mack, (basketball, softball and soccer) will take their turns on the court, too. Mr. Petti is also a Recreation Committee member.
   Councilman Lou Petzinger, Board of Education member Kelly Harabin and Sherri Lynn, Recreation Committee member and former Borough Councilwoman have agreed to play, too.
   Three organizations are sponsoring the event: the Manville PTSAs, Manville Municipal Alliance & Manville Recreation.
   Concessions and souvenirs will be sold during the event. The money raised will be evenly distributed between the PTSAs for the Weston, Roosevelt, ABIS and high schools. This will be the fourth time Manville has hosted the Wizards.