HILLSBOROUGH: Goldberg has continued as party chair since 2010

   Some of the history of the local Democratic Party’s strife was misstated in last week’s paper.
   Michael Goldberg, first elected municipal chairman in 2010, has continued following a party ruling last year that it wasn’t necessary for the local party organization to have an election every year.
   Mr. Goldberg’s chairmanship started in 2010. The bylaws for the Hillsborough Democratic Organization called for a one-year term although there was no election in 2011.
   In the 2012 reorganization meeting, a vote for chairman resulted in an 8-8 tie between Mr. Goldberg and Lloyd Haas. One ballot was discounted over eligibility.
   The matter was brought to the Somerset County Democratic Party committee’s lawyer, who said the municipal committee didn’t need to have a reorganization meeting since the county committee in 2010 had changed the term for party officers to four years.
   Mr. Goldberg remained as chairman, and the local committee changed its bylaws to conform to the county’s. Some party members disputed the county ruling, but didn’t contest it.