MANVILLE: Lynn, Petzinger file for Borough Council

They be on fall ballot as independents

By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
   Sherri Lynn and Lou Petzinger are making the race for two Manville Borough Council into a six-way affair.
   The pair filed Tuesday to get on the November ballot as independents for the three-year terms.
   They’ll face expected nominees Susan Asher and Richard Onderko for the Republicans, and Alan Harwick and Frank Jurewicz for the Democrats. Their names are on today’s primary election ballot; voting closes at 8 p.m.
   Ms. Lynn and Mr. Petzinger were passed over by the municipal Republican screening committee in March, in favor of Councilwoman Asher and Mr. Onderko, who was defeated in a re-election bid last November.
      ”Manville has more of a voice than just 12 people,” said Ms. Lynn on Tuesday, referring to the GOP screening committee.
   In a press release, Ms. Lynn and Mr. Petzinger said they “have proven they can reach across the aisle to get things done that are in the best interest of all residents.”
   Mr. Petzinger cited his first term in which he initiated an Economic Development Roundtable that became the Economic Development Committee.
   Ms. Lynn served on council from through 2012 and didn’t run for re-election last year. She said that, although she had taken a leave from council, she didn’t take time off from public service.
   She’s still a member of seven boards or commissions, she said, including bodies dealing with health, recreation, flood, animal services, economic development and library programs.
   She retired in April from a job with Somerset County information systems engineer.