
MANVILLE: Youth trip gets boost from Knights of Columbus

Council 6573 gives $1,000 for trip to Maryland rally

By Mary Ellen Day, Special to the News
   The Knights of Columbus St. Jude Council 6573 gave $1,000 Tuesday night to St. Mary’s Youth Group to help send youngsters to the national youth rally in Maryland next summer.
   The group of 13 active members meet monthly to strengthen their religious education and faith, and perform charity work in the church community. The youth raise money and donate some, but the majority goes towards attending the youth rally, which is held every two years.
   ”The national youth rally is a big deal and it is a chance for the kids to get together with teenagers from across the county,” said advisor Glen Sedar.
   ”Years ago the group was called Byzantine Catholic Youth, which modeled the CYO (Catholic Youth Organization), but in the last couple of years we have called it the Byzanteens,” Mr. Sedar said.
   Mr. Sedar and three of the youth group members presented the idea to the Knights with Suzanne Hlinka’s computer video that showcased the rally in San Diego last summer.
   Afterwards, Grand Knight Robert Newman said it was “wonderful to see that these kids have faith. We really want to help you kids so the Knights of Columbus of Manville would like to give you $1,000.”
   Mr. Sedar said he was grateful to receive the donation.
   ”It is great to have the support of a Manville organization,” he said. “It is something that is important to the community and the kids are going to use this with gratitude to get us safely to the next youth rally.”