Just dance

 Tilak Daga, 18, of East Brunswick, who was born with Down syndrome, competed in a contest in May with the Kaye Lynn Dance Studio, located in Edison and Milltown. He won third prize in the junior category for his solo “I Love Dance.” As a young boy, Tilak loved to watch Indian Bollywood movies, imitating their dances. As Tilak grew older, he would perform for family and friends at several occasions. He then performed in front of 2,000 people at Kean University’s Wilkins Theatre. A few months ago, he joined Kaye Lynn for a dance class for kids with disabilities. He is pictured with Robin Tauber. Tilak Daga, 18, of East Brunswick, who was born with Down syndrome, competed in a contest in May with the Kaye Lynn Dance Studio, located in Edison and Milltown. He won third prize in the junior category for his solo “I Love Dance.” As a young boy, Tilak loved to watch Indian Bollywood movies, imitating their dances. As Tilak grew older, he would perform for family and friends at several occasions. He then performed in front of 2,000 people at Kean University’s Wilkins Theatre. A few months ago, he joined Kaye Lynn for a dance class for kids with disabilities. He is pictured with Robin Tauber.