HAMILTON: Township renews Arc Mercer contract

Organization provides cleaning service

by Megan Morreale, Special Writer
HAMILTON — The Township Council approved a two-year contract renewal with Arc Mercer, a nonprofit organization that works with Mercer County residents with developmental disabilities.
   The $168,000 contract for the Trenton-based nonprofit was a described by Councilman Dennis Pone as a win-win, referring to specifically to the organization’s service providing janitorial serviced for the John O. Wilson Neighborhood Service Center and the Bromley Civic Center.
   ”They do a great job and they save us money,” Councilman Pone said. “They do an outstanding job at a reasonable cost. This is not us just doing a nice thing.”
   The township has built a foundation of a good relationship with Arc Mercer, which provides their services to clean most township buildings including the municipal center, John Ricci, Business Administrator said.
   Former councilman Vinnie Capodanno, a previous Arc employee, applauded the council for renewing the contract with the company.
   ”This is one of the most caring, nicest things for a town government to adopt,” Mr. Capodanno said. “It’s very rare that a government would be kind enough to have an agreement with a nonprofit, especially people that have severe disabilities and need a lot of help.”
   The council also passed two resolutions of commendation, one in celebration of the visitation homes anniversary, and one commending the life of Robert Dunn, a Hamilton citizen who recently passed, and who gave his life to the caring of foster children.
   Mr. Dunn had 34 children and 23 grandchildren, and dedicated his life to programs for children who had been abused and neglected.
   ”Every child needs a future,” Councilman Kevin Meara, quoting Mr. Dunn, said. “If you don’t take care of the children today, you don’t take care of the future tomorrow.”
   Councilman Pone spoke highly of the family, having known them personally.
   ”They are a remarkable couple,” he said. “I don’t know anyone else like them. Dunn was certainly taken from us too soon.”