
Mac Backup and Recovery tools from Prosoft

By Ben Britt
The Princeton Macintosh Users Group presents:
Backup and Recovery tools from Prosoft
Gordon Bell, President of ProSoft, will present their award-winning line-up of utilities including:  Data Rescue 3, Drive Genius 3, Data Backup 3, Klix and Sound Bunny.  These programs allow you to back up, recover, maintain and manage your important data.  They will also be introducing The Data Rescue Center, professional data recovery service.
All of the products will be available to purchase after the presentation with special pricing for MUG Members. – (special pricing is only available at the meeting)
About our presenter . . .
Gordon background includes computer hardware, software, and IT services companies, where has formed and managed sales and marketing teams. Gordon’s past employers include Integrated Micro Solutions (aka IXMICRO), Formac Electronics, Wired/Digital Origin/Terran Interactive, Media100, Elsa and PNY.
At Prosoft, Gordon leads International and Domestic sales and manages day-to-day operations. Under Gordon, Prosoft has has successfully launched 2 new subsidiaries, purchased 2 corporate real estate parcels and a competing software company. 
PMUG also provides monthly "PMUG Answers" (a popular Q&A session) in Stuart 4 at 6:30 before the general meeting.
Go to http://pmug-nj.org for directions and more information.