LAMBERTVILLE: Cavallo park project funding gets OK

Now planning can move forward

By John Tredrea, Special Writer
   LAMBERTVILLE — The reconstruction of Cavallo Park, a project sought by many Lambertville residents, can proceed now that City Council has adopted a $370,000 bond ordinance.
   The bond measure was adopted June 18.
   A $300,000 low-interest loan from Green Acres will offset most of the bond ordinance, with the city covering the $70,000 balance.
   Green Acres is a state agency that works with municipalities and counties on projects that preserve, and maintain, land as open space and for recreational use.
   Located on Mount Hope Street, Cavallo Park is especially popular with families that have young children.
   ”For families and visitors alike, Cavallo Park is a special place,” Mayor David Del Vecchio said.
   ”My hope is that we will be able to create a true outdoor community center as well as an inviting gateway to Lambertville for those entering the city along the canal.”
   The effort to bring major improvements to Cavallo Park got a big boost last year from a $10,000 grant from the New Hope, Pennsylvania firm:
   Following that, the Recreation Commission and city architect, Michael Burns, began working on plans to upgrade the park.
   Clerk Cindy Ege said improvements to the park that will be covered by the city and Green Acres include a masonry wall, brick paving, an ornamental gate, a kiosk, bike racks, light fixtures, water fountain, electrical modifications, a pavilion, picnic tables, trash receptacles, barbecue, new play equipment, benches and landscaping.