
CRANBURY: Scouts take wing for merit badge

Five of the 13 Boy Scouts from Troop 52 finished up their Aviation Merit Badge June 22 with a trip to a local airport, according to the organization.

By Jennifer Larkin, Special Writer
CRANBURY — Five of the 13 Boy Scouts from Troop 52 finished up their Aviation Merit Badge June 22 with a trip to a local airport, according to the organization.
   Chris Jost, Danny Mulligan, Paul Russell, Abhik Menon, and Paul Brennan took to the air to complete their final requirements for the course, according to Scoutmaster Tim Brennan.
   The Boy Scout merit badge course in Aviation began last March at the troop’s Sunday meetings under the direction of Assistant Scoutmaster, Andy Jost and Jerry Yochelson of Cranbury, according to Mr. Brennan.
   Under the command of retired airline pilot John Eckel of Pennington, the Scouts met at Trenton-Robbinsville Airport in Robbinsville and were given a lesson in orientation and flight in a Cessna 140, said Mr. Brennan.
   The Scouts also toured antique aircraft, including an autogyro and a biplane at the facility, Mr. Brennan said.
   Each Scout then performed a preflight inspection of the airplane and flew with Mr. Eckel from Trenton-Robbinsville Airport to Cranbury and back, said Mr. Brennan.
   The troop plans another flight day for the remaining 8 Scouts to finish their merit badges, according to Mr. Brennan.
   ”The troop would like to thank Mr. Yost for his time and effort in coordinating the event,” Mr. Brennan said.
   The First Presbyterian Church in Cranbury charters troop 52.
   Boys ages 10-17 are welcome to join. For more information contact Scoutmaster Tim Brennan at [email protected] or check out the website at http://beascout.scouting.org.