PLUMSTED: Board member sought

District to interview candidates July 24

by James McEvoy, Managing Editor
PLUMSTED — The Township Board of Education is seeking candidates to fill a new vacancy on the Plumsted Board of Education.
   The vacancy is due to board Vice President Jon Hauge and his family moving out of the district.
   Mr. Hauge announced his intentions to step down at the June 12 meeting and was not present at the June 26 meeting when preliminary discussions occurred regarding the vacancy.
   The district is accepting applications until July 18 with the hope of holding interviews during the July 24 board meeting. The board then will deliberate in executive session.
   According to district officials, upon receiving a formal resignation, the district has 65 days to fill the vacancy. If no action is taken within that period, the executive county superintendent would make the appointment.
   Business Administrator Sean Gately said whoever is selected to fill Mr. Hague’s seat would be appointed to serve until Jan. 1, 2014, then would have to run for re-election in November to serve the remainder of the term through Dec. 31, 2015.
   Since Mr. Hauge served as board vice president, action will be taken to appoint a new vice president at the July 24 meeting, Mr. Gately said.
   Mr. Hauge was elected to the board in 2009 and was reelected in 2012.
   According to the district website, candidates must hold citizenship and at least one year’s worth of residency in the district. In addition, the candidate cannot have any contract or claim against the board.
   Furthermore, the candidate must be registered to vote in the district and cannot hold office as mayor or member of the municipality’s governing body.
   Interested residents may submit a resume and letter of interest addressed to Mr. Gately at 117 Evergreen Road, New Egypt, 08533.
   Submissions must be received by 4 p.m. July 18.