BORDENTOWN CITY: City hires youth for the summer

Mayor makes appointments to various committees

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
   Some youth will be spending their summer vacation working for the city.
   During the City Commission meeting July 8, Mayor Joseph Malone discussed the youth work program that started July 9.
   ”The participation in the program this year started on Friday (July 5), when we handed out those flyers,” Mayor Malone said.
   There are a total of 33 participants in the program, according to Mayor Malone.
   ”They will be doing various jobs in the community from painting curbs to doing work around gilded fields to any number of items,” Mayor Malone said, adding the youth cannot work with power tools.
   ”We will do everything we can, too,” Mayor Malone said. “There are a number of areas that need to be cleaned up, spruced up and fixed up.”
   During the meeting, Mayor Malone also made several appointments. He started with the Planning Board.
   ”Thomas Csapo will be moving from an alternate to a full-time member,” Mayor Malone said, adding Mr. Csapo would replace Connie Maxson, who resigned due to conflict of interest.
   ”For all the truth and transparency, Connie is my sister,” Mayor Malone said. “It would’ve been rather conflicting to be sitting next to my sister at a Planning Board meeting so she graciously stepped down as a member.”
   According to Mayor Malone, Mr. Csapo has done a “great job” as an alternate on the Planning Board.
   The mayor also appointed George Chidley, Charlie Pesce, Kelly Kellet and alternate Alfonso Smullen as members of the Historic Preservation Committee.
   After establishing a Hill Top Committee, the mayor appointed Kelly Grala, Kathy Finch, Donald Stein, Al Barker, Robert Erickson, Deputy Mayor James Lynch Jr. and Commissioner Zigmont Targonski to the committee.
   ”These are individuals who are going to work with the public at large on finishing up the work at the Hill Top,” Mayor Malone said, adding that more members would be added to the committee.
   According to Mr. Malone, the contractor was expected to start on the Hill Top wall “sometime this week.” The pavers went out to bid and will be received July 11, he said.
   The mayor said the new Housing Committee membersare expected to meet before the next commissioners meeting.
   ”There will be other committees formed as we move forward,” Mayor Malone said.
   After the appointments, the deputy mayor discussed the Independence Day fireworks celebration, noting the Foundation for Bordentown Traditions Committee teamed up with Bordentown Township to present the fireworks July 5 at the Joseph Lawrence Recreational Facility at Veterans Memorial Park on Ward Avenue in Bordentown Township.
   ”They worked very, very hard all year to raise money to put these fireworks on,” Mr. Lynch said. “It was a tremendous show. I just cannot say enough, and I have been to quite a few firework shows, and I don’t remember a show that was that nice. The venue was nice.”
   Mayor Malone thanked Mr. Lynch for his work with the traditions committee.
   ”Jimmy deserves a lot of credit,” Mayor Malone said. “He is involved with the traditions program since it started.”
   Commissioner Targonski said the fireworks were outstanding.
   ”I thought that the arrangements that the township had out there — the grounds and the cleanliness and the neatness — everything was absolutely perfect,” he said. “It’s a pretty darn good example of what we can do when the city and the township put our heads together for a common good and work something out.”
   Commissioner Targonski also requested a resolution to authorize a public auction for a repainted desk and chair and two “old-time” ballot boxes in storage in the attic of the old city hall.
   ”The committee for the restoration of old city hall will be auctioning these off in September,” Commissioner Targonski said. “I would like to move to give them permission to move to get this done.”
   The commissioners were “all in favor” of the resolution.
   The next City Commission meeting Aug. 12 was cancelled and rescheduled for Aug. 26.