Nine new police officers sworn in

Three of the newly installed officers will immediately begin patrol duties, while the remaining six will begin training at the Mercer County Police Academy prior to hitting the streets.

By Hamilton Observer
Fulfilling a promise from her State of the Township Address in February, Hamilton Township Mayor Kelly A. Yaede swore nine new Hamilton Township Police Officers into service during a formal ceremony in the Hamilton Township Council Chambers on Friday, March 8th.
“This is a proud day for Hamilton Township – to officially swear in our nine new Police Officers,” said Yaede, who also serves as the township’s Public Safety Director. “Today, we are illustrating that, in Hamilton Township, we are and will continue to be proactive in our public safety efforts to maintain our residents’ safety and high quality of life.”
Three of the newly installed officers will immediately begin patrol duties, while the remaining six will begin training at the Mercer County Police Academy prior to hitting the streets.
Despite drastic reductions that some towns have experienced in their police departments and challenges all towns face in meeting New Jersey’s 2 percent cap on property taxes, Yaede’s move is a concerted effort to preserve patrol levels necessary to maintain the safety of Hamilton’s residents. Hamilton’s new officers will help maintain its current police force levels by replacing officers who have recently retired.
“I thank Mayor Yaede for her decision to hire nine new officers,” said James W. Collins, Hamilton’s Chief of Police. “These new officers will join is in our mission to serve and protect Hamilton Township.”
Yaede’s decision to hire the additional officers follows several other proactive steps that the Mayor has taken, including involvement in Police COMSTAT meetings, recently joining a Hamilton Police Officer during a patrol duty and her desire to raise public awareness and participation in Hamilton’s Neighborhood Crime Watch Program.
“When I say that public safety is a priority to me, I do not just ‘say it’ – I mean it,” said Yaede. “As Public Safety Director, I will continue to be actively involved in ensuring the safety of our residents.”