Resident lauds police, fire for helping friend in need

To the editor:
    In the 10 years since Bordentown City Cats was founded, we’ve helped countless residents deal with all kinds of unexpected animal-related emergency situations.
   Two weeks ago a friend — Lee — who lives in Clare Estate reached out for help because his cat — Bruce — was caught in the storm drain and could not get out. Lee was scared and frightened for his animal companion.
   Because the situation was beyond the realm of our normal, everyday capacity to help, I quickly reached out to the Bordentown City Police Department. The police showed up with members of the Consolidated Firehouse and what ensued was one of the best humanitarian displays I’ve seen in a long time.
   Bruce is now home safely with Lee. The wonderful people that responded remind us why we love living in this unique town – a little town with a lot of heart. On behalf of everyone at Bordentown City Cats, we just wanted to say thank you to all of our first responders for the kindness and compassion they showed.
Mak Kieffer
Bordentown 