"I Didn’t Do It": A Conversation about Wrongful Convictions

By Lin DeTitta
The role of journalists in wrongful conviction cases will be among the topics of a November 18 public forum. 
Participants in a panel discussion will include Kate Germond, director of Princeton-based Centurion Ministries which has freed 53 wrongfully convicted individuals in the last 30 years, and Mark Schand, a recent exoneree who served 27 years in prison before being released.  Also on the panel is Eugene O’Donnell, John Jay College of Criminal Justice lecturer and former law enforcement officer and prosecutor.
The discussion will be moderated by Mike McGraw, Pulitzer Prize winner and Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University this fall.  McGraw is on leave from The Kansas City Star where he has published numerous stories about a likely wrongful conviction case there.
The forum, "I didn’t do it:  A conversation about wrongful convictions; how advocates, attorneys and journalists spotlight judicial abuses and work to free the innocent" will be presented at 7:30 p.m. November 18 at 101 McCormick Hall on the Princeton University campus.