LAWRENCE: Woman reports being groped while jogging

Police are searching for a man who allegedly grabbed a 47-year-old woman who was out for a jog shortly before 6 a.m. Nov. 6 on Princeton Pike, near Carr Avenue, said police Lt. Mark Ubry.

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
   Police are searching for a man who allegedly grabbed a 47-year-old woman who was out for a jog shortly before 6 a.m. Nov. 6 on Princeton Pike, near Carr Avenue, said police Lt. Mark Ubry.
   The woman observed a man standing behind a dark gray or black vehicle on the northbound side of Princeton Pike near Carr Avenue, Lt. Ubry said. She noticed that the vehicle’s engine was running, and as she jogged past the man, she noticed that it appeared that he had his pants down and was possibly masturbating.
   She continued to jog and suddenly, she felt someone grab her arm and her buttocks, Lt. Ubry said. She turned around and saw the man she had just passed. He turned around and ran back to the dark colored vehicle, which may have been an older model Honda or Toyota minivan.
   The man, who was described as a short, stocky Hispanic male who was wearing a work jacket and dark pants, got into the vehicle and sped off northbound on Princeton Pike. The woman jogged home and later notified the police, Lt. Ubry said.
   A similar incident was reported to police Aug. 23, when a 22-year-old woman was walking to work north on Brunswick Avenue near Vermont Street, around 5:45 a.m., Lt. Ubry said. The woman passed a short Hispanic male, who was walking south.
   A couple of seconds after she passed him, he approached her from behind and grabbed her buttocks. He did not say anything and the victim quickly walked away. He did not follow her, Lt. Ubry said.
   In that incident, the woman described the suspect as about 5 feet tall, and about 35 to 38 years old. Lt. Ubry said. He was wearing a gray baseball cap, a gray short-sleeve T-shirt and long pants. The woman reported the incident later in the day.
   When she told police about her encounter, she also told them that three days earlier — on Aug. 20 — she noticed the same man standing in the same place, Lt. Ubry said. As she walked past him, she noticed that he was looking at her and masturbating.
   Anyone with information on this incident or who may have information on a vehicle matching the description of the suspect’s car is asked to call the Lawrence Township Police Department at 609-896-1111.