Sen. Turner thanks 15th District voters

Sen. Shirley Turner, Trenton
I write this letter to extend my personal thanks to the residents of the 15th District who took the time to participate in the Nov. 5 election.
   I am grateful for the confidence that the voters have placed in me, and I am proud to represent my constituents in the state Senate.
   I will continue to value all my constituents and advocate for their needs and interests. I promise to continue fighting against attempts to marginalize the working poor and the middle class, protect and create jobs, reform property taxes to make New Jersey more affordable and improve public education.
   I encourage my constituents to contact me with their concerns and ideas to make our community’s future brighter.
   Again, many thanks for the overwhelming support and encouragement.
   As always, my office is available to listen to my constituents’ concerns, answer their questions or assist them with their needs.
Shirley K. Turner
State senator
15th District