Thanks for support in school election

Rakesh Kak, West Windsor 
I would like to congratulate Louisa Ho, Scott Powell and Yu “Taylor” Zhong for winning the WW-P school board elections.
   As a candidate for the school board from West Windsor, I had knocked on over 2,000 doors and covered West Windsor from Village Grande to the Canal Pointe communities and from the Cranbury Road homes to the Windsor Ponds townhomes.
   During this journey over the past two months, I had the pleasure of meeting over a 1,000 West Windsor residents ranging from the past school board members from the 1960s to the 1990s, past and present teachers and superintendents, parents with special-needs kids, seniors whose kids had gone through WW-P schools and some whose grand-kids are currently enrolled in WW-P schools and many more who gave me suggestions on how to make the schools even better.
   All in all it has been a great learning experience for me and I thank all of you who opened the door and took the time to speak with me.
   Also, I would like to thank all the 2,432 residents that took the time to vote for me and showed your trust in my judgment to represent you and your kids on the school board.
   Finally, I would like to thank Sarah Thomson, Barry Kramer, Suparna Mahableshawarkar, Ruslan Chilov, David Levy, Andy Lupo, Ashish Shah, Andi Sjamsu and Eesh Bansal for taking the time to write letters of support in the paper and a BIG shout-out to all others who encouraged, advised and campaigned with me.
Rakesh Kak
West Windsor 