STOCKTON: Council discusses how to cope with lack of parking in borough

By John Tredrea, Special Writer
   A chronic problem of insufficient public parking in town was discussed by the Stockton Borough Council at its Nov. 11 meeting.
   The governing body also talked about whether the borough’s nuisance ordinance should be amended in order to better deal with unsightly properties.
   No formal action was taken on either issue, but Borough Council will continue to review them both, Borough Administrator/Clerk Michele Hovan said.
   ”The council realizes there’s a need for more public parking in town,” Ms. Hovan said. “This has been a problem for some time, and a number of residents are not pleased.”
   Parking problems are most severe on weekends, Ms. Hovan said, when Stockton attracts many visitors who park on the streets, sometimes leaving insufficient spaces for residents to park.
   ”Parking lots and the installation of parking meters are among the options Council is considering,” Ms. Hovan said. “If meters were put in, issues would be how much it would cost to use them, how they would affect residents and the matter of enforcement.”
   Driving council to consider amending the nuisance ordinance, Ms. Hovan said, are a “few eyesore properties in town. Some of them are vacant, some are under construction.”
   She said the borough’s zoning officials have been discussing the issue with owners of the properties, which is some cases are banks.
   ”Being reviewed by council now is the question of whether we want to amend our nuisance ordinance, which was written in 1977, as a way to deal with this situation,” Ms. Hovan said.