LETTER: Hospital mourns Perilli

To the editor:
    Much will be said about the incredible accomplishments of the late Maurice Perilli, who died Nov. 25 at the age of 95. After all, he left behind a truly remarkable record of achievements.
   But to me, Maury was more than a successful businessman, politician and philanthropist. He was a friend and a mentor, and I will be forever grateful for his guidance.
   As president and CEO of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, I work with a great team of individuals who make this hospital a center of excellence. Maury was a part of this hospital from the beginning – serving as chairman of its foundational fund drive in 1971 – and deserves credit for the professional culture that still endures.
   Always a gentleman, Maury led by example. His integrity was his calling card. He was always humble and he treated everyone with dignity.
   Veteran. Businessman. Family man. There are many ways to describe Maury and his incredible life. Like so many others, I will remember him as a dear friend with the vision that made today’s Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton possible.
Anthony “Skip” Cimino
President & CEO
Robert Wood University Hospital Hamilton