by Peg Dotson
Happy 40th Anniversary on Dec. 1 to LuAnn and Jo Gadbois.
A party was held in their honor at the Fraternal Order of Police 210/ Fireman’s Lodge in Roebling where they also held their wedding reception 40 years ago.
There will be a dinner on New Year’s Eve at the American Legion Post 39.
More details will be released in the near future.
In the meantime, residents can call Jerry at 609-499-1558 for more information.
The annual meeting of the Florence Township Library Association will be held at the library on Hornberger Ave in Roebling on Tuesday, Jan. 21.
RSVP to the Library Director LaVonna Lawrence at 609-499-0143 if you plan to attend.
The Florence Township Library is looking for a few good men or women to serve on the library board if you are a library cardholder and have a desire to serve your community.
Contact Director LaVonna Lawrence at 609-499-0143 or email [email protected] before Dec. 15.
The Deborah Christmas party will be held on Thursday, Dec. 12, at the VFW on 10th Avenue in Roebling.
A donation of $20 includes a hot and cold buffet, with hot and cold drinks as well as dessert.
Seating is limited so mail a check payable to Deborah at P.O. Box 254, Roebling, 08054. New or unused prize items are accepted for donation.
For information, call President Carol Eckman at 609-499-1927.
The Bordentown Order of the Eastern Star at 121 Farnsworth Ave. will hold a Tricky Tray Jan. 31.
The cost includes a strip of tickets and dessert. Hot dogs will be on sale. There will be lots of good things on the tables.
Tickets may be purchased at the door.
A Soup and Game Night will be hosted by the Bordentown Order of the Eastern Star at 6 p.m.
All soups will be homemade soups.
The event will be held Jan. 24 at 121 Farnsworth Ave. Tickets may be purchased at the door for $5.
Many thanks to those who have contributed to the food pantry.
Donations always are needed.
The pantry is at the Florence United Methodist Church on Second and Broad streets in Florence.
The food pantry is open Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Come to the front door.
Send items for this column to Peg Dotson at [email protected] or call her at 609-499-3807. For more news, visit