Citizen Police Academy offered to residents

Those interested in learning about law enforcement are invited to take part in Metuchen’s 13-week Citizen Police Academy program for borough residents.

Beginning March 3, the classes will be held every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Borough Hall.

Designed to educate participants about police department procedures, guidelines, responsibilities and demands on personnel, the program will address topics such as departmental organization and structure, recruitment and training, and the roles and responsibilities of various divisions and sections.

Participants will also get the opportunity to ride along with a patrol officer and experience a firearms-training simulation.

The program is open to borough residents, business owners, and school faculty within Metuchen who are age 18 or older and can pass a background investigation.

The Citizen Police Academy is not a training course to become a sworn police officer.

For more information, contact Sgt. David Liantonio at 732-632-8550. Class size is limited.