Citizens must make their feelings known

The element that controls both political parties will not allow a resolution against torture, secret and unlimited detention, and the suspension of a person’s legal rights.

On May 13, 2009, during the public portion of the Manalapan Township Committee meeting, I initially asked the mayor to pass a resolution in opposition to torture, secret and unlimited detention, and the suspension of a person’s legal rights.

The mayor agreed to do this, but at a following meeting, I was told that the rest of the governing body would not go along with the request.

Astonished, I placed the same request before other governing bodies, only to be met with the same negative response. It became apparent to me that the segment of the 1 percent of the population that has control of both political parties will not let the resolution pass in any governing body.

It now becomes a test of wills. The people of each municipality must come out in force and demand passage of the resolution. Either we the people are in control and retain the Bill of Rights, or we lose control to a segment of 1 percent of the population along with our Bill of Rights. To act is the sole decision of each citizen.

Ray Kalainikas