Seniors soar to Eagle rank

 Boy Scouts David Jordan, left to right, Tyler Kerekgyarto and Timothy Li of Troop 12 in Edison all recently earned the rank of Eagle.  PHOTO COURTESY OF PHIL TOSCANO Boy Scouts David Jordan, left to right, Tyler Kerekgyarto and Timothy Li of Troop 12 in Edison all recently earned the rank of Eagle. PHOTO COURTESY OF PHIL TOSCANO EDISON — Three Boy Scouts from Troop 12 in Edison recently received their Eagle badges during a Court of Honor held as part of the troop’s annual awards dinner.

David Jordan, Tyler Kerekgyarto and Timothy Li were honored for their achievements.

To attain the rank of Eagle, a Scout must earn 21 merit badges, hold a leadership position within the troop, and show leadership and organizational skills by conducting a service project in their community.

For his Eagle project, David expanded a drainage ditch adjacent to the exit driveway of the Somerset Presbyterian Church and constructed soil-stopping rock dams to reduce flooding and icing on the driveway.

Currently a senior at Edison High School, David plans to attend Rutgers School of Engineering, where he will major in civil and environmental engineering.

Tyler’s Eagle project involved designing and installing a new sign and flowerbed at the Thomas Edison Center at Menlo Park. His fundraiser garnered enough money to also replace a memorial plaque near the tower.

Tyler, also a senior at Edison High School, will attend Middlesex County College in the fall.

Timothy, a senior at St. Joseph’s High School in Metuchen, decided to renovate the garden at Our Lady of Peace School to provide a quiet and picturesque place for students and instructors to sit and meditate.

Timothy has been accepted at Rutgers Business School, Bentley University, Fordham University and several other schools, but had yet to decide where he would enroll.

Troop 12 is one of the oldest troops in the state and in all of Scouting. The troop has served the community since 1917.

The troop meets Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. at Washington School in Edison. For more information, visit www.troop12edisonnj.