Long wait for traffic light troubles resident

Since moving to Howell 20 years ago, my wife has been writing to newspapers, local state representatives, and state and local police about the urgent need for a traffic light at the corner of Colts Neck Road and Route 33 in Howell.

Anyone trying to get from Colts Neck Road onto Route 33 going west knows they are taking their life in their hands when crossing the eastbound traffic that speeds in excess of 60 mph.

Isn’t it ironic that at about 6 p.m. June 2, our daughter was hit by an eastbound car and thrown 40 feet into an open field? It is the kind of accident my wife has been fighting to avoid. Thank God for side airbags. Our daughter escaped with only minor fractures and is in rehabilitation right now. I do not understand why it is so difficult to get a safe traffic light at this location.

I understand that the Howell Township Council has been trying to get the traffic light installed, and they have even offered to discuss funding a portion of the installation cost of the light in anticipation of the resolution of a lawsuit challenging a Planning Board approval that would have paid for the installation of the traffic light. They did this so there would be no delay once the light was approved.

Sal Runfola