Middlesex County College names new vice president

 Mark McCormick Mark McCormick EDISON — Mark Mc- Cormick has been named vice president for academic and student affairs at Middlesex County College.

An educator with 28 years of experience in higher education, McCormick has served institutions from 1,300 students to almost 30,000 in a wide range of capacities — faculty member, program coordinator, dean and chief academic officer — at the Community College of Philadelphia; Mercer County Community College, West Windsor; Peirce College, Philadelphia; and Salem Community College, Carneys Point.

“I’m very pleased that Dr. McCormick has joined us as vice president,” President Joann La Perla-Morales said. “He is a tireless advocate for students and student success, and has a proven track record in developing positive change.”

McCormick has extensive experience in curriculum development, assessment, accreditation and external partnerships. In collaboration with faculty, McCormick developed nearly 20 new programs while at Mercer and Salem. He also led the effort at both institutions to develop fast-track weekend programs and increase the number of courses offered online.

In addition, he supported the development of an honors program at Mercer. At Salem, he partnered with faculty and staff members to develop more student focused academic advisement. He also developed career-ladder programs with stackable credentials that lead from noncredit industry certifications to credit certificate and degree programs.

“I look forward to working with the faculty and staff at Middlesex County College in supporting our students in achieving their academic goals,” he said.

McCormick holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Davidson College and a Juris Doctor from New York University School of Law.