Residents should vote ‘no’ on public questions

A society that holds to the notion that you are innocent until proven guilty cannot accept pretrial detention.

The political leaders of our society at the highest level have already engaged in torture, secret and unlimited detention, and the suspension of a person’s legal rights.

By deception, our state political leaders want to take away our right to remain free until proven guilty. Take note that public question No. 1 on the Nov. 4 Election Day ballot does not include immediate trial upon pretrial detention, nor is the cost to the taxpayers listed.

If you value your freedom and the freedom to speak out against your government, vote “no” on question No. 1. As for more tax dollars being used for open space and farmland preservation, vote “no” on question No. 2.

Farmland and open space can be saved by clarification of land use rights and zoning, costing the taxpayer nothing. But if you want to know why the farmers, builders, developers, real estate professionals, bankers and politicians are against it, follow the money trail. They have fooled the taxpayer on past ballot questions. Why not again? Vote “no” on question No. 2. Ray Kalainikas Manalapan