Hopewell: Such a special place to live!

Clark Reed, Hopewell
For my own “Person of the Year,” I would like to nominate Dr. Nancy Snyderman. I was born and raised in Hopewell, I am landlord of the building to which she paid her infamous lunch “visit” and owner of the restaurant next door.
Showing her air of superiority, and taking absolutely no responsibility, Nancy brought negative international attention to our little town and with it an economic drought.
Enough about the negative and Dr. Snyderman (who still has not issued a correct apology), let’s focus on the positive. Let’s talk about the people who immediately came to the defense of our little town like: Stephanie Carey the health inspector; members of the entire Hopewell Township Police Department who came to the borough to eat; Michele Hovan, the borough administrator; and David Freidrich, principal of Hopewell Elementary School; and countless others.
This is exactly the reason why people choose to live in small towns and the kind of people you hope to surround yourself with. This is why Hopewell is such a special place to live and why I personally am so grateful to Dr. Snyderman for bringing this to everyone’s attention. I sincerely thank her for the debacle she brought down upon us because as this year comes to a close I am keenly aware of how spectacular our town is and how lucky I am to be surrounded by people who really care about others. Happy New Year, Hopewell!
Clark Reed 
Jack & Charlie’s 23 ICE CREAM, 
Da’s Kitchen THAI, 
Hopewell EARTH 