HAMILTON: Family needs help with transplant expenses

   HAMILTON — A Date Night Masquerade Ball will be held for the Children’s Organ Transplant Association in honor of Alexander Cuevas, a child who needs a small bowel transplant.
   The event is planned for Saturday, Jan. 17, from 6-11 p.m. at The Chauncey Hotel and Conference Center in Princeton.
   Alexander, 5, of Hamilton, is listed for a colon transplant at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. Funds are being raised to assist with transplant-related expenses.
   ”The family and friends of Alexander want to encourage everyone to attend our events and help give Alexander a second chance at life,” said organizer Anthony Mango.
   One hundred percent of proceeds from the event will be donated to COTA in honor of Alexander, who was a victim of infection after birth. He now suffers from short bowel syndrome.
   The Cuevas family needs an estimated $50,000 to pay transplant-related expenses. His family has asked for assistance from COTA, a national charity based in Bloomington, Indiana, which is dedicated to organizing and guiding communities in raising funds for transplant-related expenses.
   ’More information can be found at COTAforAlexanderC.com.
   For more information about the event or other fundraising and volunteer opportunities, contact Mr. Mango or Emma Yasinski at [email protected] or 609-558-7767.