How does your garden grow?

Director Bruce Crawford and the staff of Rutgers Gardens, New Brunswick, have compiled a list of gardening tips for the early spring:

 Reread your journal from the past year, and note some of the major problems that can be resolved this year.

 Take stock of your tools. Sharpen, clean, oil, and repair saws and pruners. Sharpen the cutting edge of spades and lawnmower blades. Repair the handles of shovels and wheelbarrows. Compose a list of tools to purchase that are beyond repair.

 Evaluate pruning needs. Typically, most pruning is completed in February and March. All rubbing or potentially rubbing branches should be removed or shaped. Suckers (vigorous shoots originating from the roots) and watersprouts (vigorous shoots originating from branches) can be removed.

 Check any potted plants that have been kept in a warm garage or basement for watering needs. Keep them dry so they do not begin to push vigorous growth.

 Repair fences. Perennials, vegetables, vines or other plants that impede foot traffic typically surround many fences and prevent access during the growing season.

 Remove snow from hedges and tightly grown plants to prevent breakage.

 Set up bird feeders.

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