By Gene Robbins, Managing Editor
Snow removal has rung up a bill that is coming due.
Hillsborough has racked up $150,000 for salaries & wages (all overtime) and $495,000 for materials, equipment repairs, outside contractors, in dealing with the incessant snowy weather of the last two months.
In 2015, the total snow budget is anticipated to be $645,000, which is an increase of $40,000 over 2014, said Nancy Costa, the township’s chief financial officer.
She said the budget would likely be presented in late April.
In 2014, the total snow budget was $605,000, which was $319,000 more than budgeted in 2013, due to the excessive snowfall amounts, she said.
“While the snowfall was not as heavy as last year, the multitude of icy events, as well as the re-freezing of road surfaces, resulted in a greater use of salt on the roadways, and that is the primary cause of the increase from 2014 to 2015,” she said.
“I am sure you have read of the many towns that ran out of salt this year. The township was very fortunate in maintaining enough of an inventory that it did not become an issue here.”
The township opened 2015 by adopting a temporary budget that included $50,000 in salaries and wages, and $150,000 in other expenses. Typically, temporary budgets apportion only a partial percentage of what will be the final amount.
On Jan. 27. the temporary emergency budget prior to the adoption of the year’s budget was increased by $25,000 for salaries and wages and $150,000 for “other” expenses.
Mayor Doug Tomson stated that, due to the recent snow events, it was necessary to increase the snow removal budget for 2015 to allow for payment of overtime and expenses that have and were to be incurred.
On Feb. 24, the line items were increased by $40,000 for salaries and wages and $145,000 for expenses. Again on March 10, the temporary budget was upped by another $35,000 for salaries and wages and $50,000 for expenses.