Academy of Business will debut at two high schools

Staff Writer

JACKSON — Following the success of digital media and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) academies at the two high schools in the Jackson School District, a new academy is being offered for students who have an interest in entering the corporate world.

A presentation regarding the Jackson Academy of Business was made at a recent meeting of the Board of Education by assistant principals Geoffrey Brignola and Daniel McDevitt of Jackson Liberty and Jackson Memorial high schools, respectively.

The Jackson Academy of Business will accommodate a growing interest in business courses among students entering high school, according to McDevitt.

Enrolling in the business academy, like the digital media and STEM academies, will not require students to travel to a different location, according to district spokeswoman Allison Erwin. Courses will be offered at both high schools.

“This academy would allow students to work with like-minded students who have an interest in learning about business,” McDevitt said.

The academy’s curriculum is expected to include job shadowing, field trips and student participation in regional, state and national competitions, according to McDevitt.

“By offering these students the chance to connect with business professionals, it will offer them feedback and suggestions as to where to take their business studies in their future,” he said.

The course progression for the business academy includes four years of English, physical education and math, and three years of science and history, according to Brignola.

“Throughout their four years in the academy, students will be taking classes like introduction to business and graphic communication in their freshman year, all the way up to business law and business management in their senior year,” he said.

Seniors will choose a business elective from entrepreneurship, advanced accounting, sports and entertainment marketing, advanced placement microeconomics or international business, according to Brignola.

Any eighth-grader may apply to enroll in the Academy of Business and will be evaluated on specific criteria.

Superintendent of Schools Stephen Genco said the business academy is a wonderful idea and will join the two existing academies in the school district.

In other business, the board recognized members of the Johnson School PTO for two donations.

School board President Barbara Fiero presented a certificate of appreciation to Alyce Meyers, president of the PTO, and PTO Executive Board members Deanna Mazzella and Debbie Martin.

The PTO donated $5,843 for the purchase of Chromebook computers to help teachers use technology in the classroom.

The PTO donated $3,000 toward an elementary STEM program being piloted at the school. The pilot program uses fun activities to introduce higher level thinking concepts to students, according to Fiero.

“The Johnson PTO is helping us with our mission to give our students all the opportunities and tools they need to excel,” the board president said.