Farm will remain undeveloped


A Millstone Township farm will never be developed following the Township Committee’s action to purchase the development rights to the property.

On April 1, the committee adopted an ordinance that authorizes the purchase of development rights on a 55-acre farm on Stagecoach Road for $734,250.

Following the meeting, Committeewoman Nancy Grbelja said, “This is a farm that will stay a farm forever. … We want to preserve as much farmland and open space [as possible]. That is what Millstone is all about, maintaining farmland and open space. It gives residents the quality of life they enjoy here.”

The development easement is currently owned by the estate of Joyce Kaut. According to the ordinance, the cost of the development rights was $13,350 per acre.

The expected cost share for Millstone Township will be $2,136 per acre, while Monmouth County’s share will be $3,204 per acre, and the State Agriculture Development Committee’s (SADC) share will be $8,010 per acre.

Mayor Bob Kinsey said the committee wants to further its aims and objectives in setting aside farmland to assist in preserving the quality of life in the township. He noted that voters in Millstone had approved a special tax with the proceeds to be set aside for purchasing open space and farmland.

The Millstone Township Open Space and Farmland Preservation Council reviewed and ranked undeveloped parcels of land in the township that are desirable for purchase as open space or farmland preservation, according to municipal officials.

Kinsey said the committee reviews applications for the purchase of development easements as a condition for receiving SADC grant funds.

The property targeted in the committee’s April 1 action achieved a high ranking from the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Council. There will be no single-family residences in the deed, Kinsey said.

There are no agricultural labor housing units designated, and no nonagricultural uses outside the exception area. There are no pre-existing proposed trail or access easements.

Municipal officials are authorized to execute a contract of sale that provides that on or before closing of title, the township will receive the county and SADC funding as well as any and all other documents necessary to effect the purchase of the development rights of the property.

The tax revenues generated by the township for the purpose of preserving farmland will be made available to assist in the purchase of the development easement.