Pearl Street construction represents a setback

From the facts and figures contained in “Plans for Pearl Street Parkers Include Free Valet, Shuttle Service” (Sentinel, April 29), it would appear that the construction of the Pearl Street Piazza will represent a setback for those people who like to frequent Metuchen.

Of the 750 spaces planned for the parking deck, at least 273 will be needed for the projected residential units, leaving 477 available for commuters and others. This is 178 short of the 655 spaces presently available in the Pearl Street parking lot. The contrived solutions to address this, such as parking in the remote Gulton Street facility, just add to the inconvenience.

At a time when Metuchen is faced with multiple downtown retail and office vacancies and limited parking options, the elimination of additional convenient parking spaces will only serve to exacerbate the situation.

John Baker