The Edison Public Library announces the opening of a new exhibition, “Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War” on May 15.
The exhibit will explore Lincoln’s struggle to resolve the basic questions that divided Americans at a perilous moment in the nation’s history. Free programming will be provided, featuring esteemed Civil War and Lincoln scholars.
Rutgers University Professor Louis Masur, who specializes in American studies, will focus on Lincoln’s biggest challenges as he navigated the Civil War, including secession, civil liberties and slavery, on May 15.
Historic storyteller Alisa DuPuy will personify Clara Barton on May 28.
Harold Holzer will give insight into Lincoln’s strategies in keeping the nation united on June 11. Holzer has authored 42 books on Lincoln, was appointed chair of the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission by former President Bill Clinton, and is a familiar commentator in the media.
All programming is free to the public, and the community is welcome to tour the exhibit May 15-June 24 at 340 Plainfield Ave., Edison.
For more information and to register for the programs, contact the library at 732-287-2298, ext. 1 or visit