Gov. Christie is not presidential material

As Gov. Chris Christie hobnobs all over the country with his affluent friends, the residents of his own state are telling the rest of the country: Buyer beware.

Gov. Christie’s approval in New Jersey is at the lowest point ever, steadily dropping in an uninterrupted freefall. The majority of New Jersey residents disapprove of his job performance, while a mere 35 percent approve. The majority also feel New Jersey is on the wrong track, while only 33 percent think we are on the right track. These are staggering negative feelings about this man’s ability to lead.

Listen to the harsh words that his own friend, Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, said about Gov. Christie’s leadership in New Jersey. Gov. Rauner said Christie’s state is “lost.” He said, “They’re going down the drain, and they ain’t turning it around.” No surprise to us. This is something that we, as residents of New Jersey, are experiencing firsthand every day.

The polls are a very accurate barometer of how New Jersey residents feel about Gov. Christie’s performance. Simply spoken, he has failed New Jersey.

I would suggest that Gov. Christie give up his ambitious play to elevate himself to become president of the United States. He should finish what he started here and get New Jersey’s house in order first. Plainly spoken, Gov. Christie is absolutely not presidential material.

Tom Broderick
Colts Neck