EAST WINDSOR: Township revamping website

By Amy Batista, Special Writer
EAST WINDSOR — The township website is getting a makeover.
The township has retained the website company EvoGov and appointed a committee, which includes Councilman Peter Yeager, East Windsor Township Police Department Lt. Jim Geary, East Windsor Township Police Department System Administrator Russ Hazzon, East Windsor Township Recreation Director Liz Cellini, Anna Eaves from the Public Works Department and Deputy Clerk Kelly Lettera, to oversee the project.
“We’ve been looking at a new design for the website,” Mayor Janice Mironov said. “It’s still a work in progress but I think it’s very fair to say that we are making good strides in putting something together that is much more user-friendly than what is up there now and enables us to get information out and allow residents to have a way to navigate the town, our various things, our programs, our calendars and so forth.”
Councilman Peter Yeager said he thinks the end result is going to be something that looks really great but is also something that is very functional.
“I’ve been excited by what has been done so far,” he said. “I’m looking forward to finishing and getting something out there. It’s certainly a long time coming. I think it is going to be worth the wait.”
Councilman Alan Rosenberg said it is a “very important” undertaking.
“For a lot of people thinking of coming here, it’s the first place they go to see what is going on,” he said, adding that it is also good for older residents who need to access forms.
“It’s really an important connection with the community,” he said.
Mayor Mironov said that they have been assembling information from all the municipal departments.
“We’ve had a number of meetings, interactions and telephone conferences with the company,” she said.
She said EvoGov is going to migrate most of the information that is on the website including the archives and the news releases to the new site.
Another part of the process has been identifying documents that are not currently on the website and putting together a series of documents that can be provided electronically by the website.
Some of the documents the township is looking to add include planning documents, the master plan as well as forms for the construction department, recreation department, senior center, health department and finance department.
“People will be able to access them and download them and pursue whatever their needs might be,” the mayor said.
She said that the committee has been trying to bring together all the resources.
“We expect at some point over the summer we will have a completed product,” she said, adding that council will have a chance to have a preliminary review before anything is finalized.
She said staff would also be trained to edit and update the website.
“They do that now but this should be a much easier and more manageable website for them to be able to edit and update,” she said.
The front page would continue to show the latest news and event items but they would be easier to follow. 