HOWELL — Administrative assignments for the 2015-16 school year in the Howell K-8 School District have been approved by the Board of Education.
The upcoming academic year will be the first following the board’s recent decision to reconfigure the school district. The reconfiguration plan will divide the school district into a north portion and a south portion.
The north portion will have three K-2 primary schools and three grade 3-5 elementary schools. Pupils who graduate from fifth grade will attend Howell Middle School North.
The south portion will have two K-2 primary schools and two grade 3-5 elementary schools. Pupils who graduate from fifth grade will attend Howell Middle School South.
Within the south portion, Howell Memorial Middle School will be repurposed into an elementary school to be called Memorial Elementary School.
The plan that will see some principals and vice principals move to a new building for the 2015-16 school year is part of the collaborative process, Superintendent of Schools Joseph Isola said.
“We have spoken with the school leaders, and they have let us know their feedback. The principals and vice principals are responsible for staff and students, and they recognize change and realize that with change come adjustments,” Isola said.
According to action taken by the board:
Paul Farley will remain principal at Howell Middle School North. Len Cuppari will remain as a vice principal and Bob Henig will move from Memorial Middle School and become a vice principal at Howell
Middle School North.
Nancy Rupp will remain principal at Griebling School. Vice Principal Dodie Fernandez will move from Griebling School to Newbury School.
Alysson Keelen will leave her position as principal at Adelphia School and become principal at Memorial School. Joe Fiore will move from a vice principal’s position at Howell Middle School North to become the vice principal at Memorial Elementary School.
Laurie Bandlow will leave her position as principal of Howell Memorial Middle School and become principal at Adelphia School. Chrissy Anderson will remain vice principal at Adelphia School.
Deborah Pennell will remain principal at Ardena School. Katie Hammond will remain as vice principal.
Sandra DeYonker will remain principal at Land O’ Pines School. Jen Amato will remain as vice principal.
Jim Quinn will remain principal at Newbury School. Danielle Palazzolo will leave her position as the vice principal at Griebling School and become vice principal at Newbury School.
Tom Feaster will remain principal at Howell Middle School South. Pete Goodall and Dheranie Suarez will remain as vice principals.
Lynn Coco will remain principal at Greenville School. Mike Harvey, who is the vice principal at Ramtown School, will move to Greenville School in the same position.
Albert Bohrer will remain principal at Ramtown School. Brooke Napoli, who is the vice principal at Greenville School, will move to Ramtown School in the same position.
Diana Rochon will remain principal at Taunton School. Marlene Brown, who is the vice principal at Aldrich School, will move to Taunton School in the same position
Drew Smith will remain principal at Aldrich School. Suzanne Gabriel, who is the vice principal at Taunton School, will move to Aldrich School in the same position.
Isola acknowledged the professionalism exhibited by the principals and vice principals during the reconfiguration process and said they are true leaders.
“The way they have dealt with the process reaffirms this process as the best thing for our students. The [principals and vice principals] are always focused on building a model place for students to learn and they are also working on building leadership,” he said.
According to Isola, principals who will be moving to a new school are meeting with the current principal in order to gain insight on what the school community is like.
“We need to let these leaders build a collaborative culture,” the superintendent said.
The process of assigning staff members to grade levels and teams at the middle schools will be completed over the summer, according to Isola.
“The work being done now is considered standard work that principals do over the summer, except this time it is magnified with the change in process. The principals are being great in getting these buildings situated and ready for September,” he said.