Help is available for victims of violence

All of us at 180 Turning Lives Around Inc. are saddened by the recent death of Tamara Seidle, mother of nine children, reportedly well-known and well-liked throughout the community.

There is no disputing the fact that gunshots fired by her ex-spouse, Neptune Police Sgt. Philip Seidle, were the cause of her death and that this incident was in the presence of one of Tamara’s young children. This act of domestic violence was witnessed by many in broad daylight on a busy street in Asbury Park.

Domestic violence … happens every day, everywhere, without regard to socioeconomic status, race, religion, ethnicity or education. Leaving an abusive partner is often the most dangerous time in that relationship.

Women are 70 times more likely to be killed in the month after leaving than at any other time during the relationship, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, National Crime Victim Survey. Newspapers reported the Seidles’ divorce was just recently finalized. In Monmouth County, there is help available at 180 Turning Lives Around Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault.

180 offers 24-hour hotlines, emergency shelter, Family Court assistance, safety planning and trained advocates who accompany survivors at police stations, hospitals and court.

Victims can get information to help them break the cycle of violence by calling 732-264- 4111 or toll-free at 888-843-9262. The hotline for sexual assault is 732-264-7273 or toll-free at 888-264-RAPE. Additional information is available at

There is no acceptable reason for violence and abuse. If you or someone you know needs help, please reach out to us. Our thoughts are with Ms. Seidle’s children and family.

Anna Diaz-White
Executive Director
180 Turning Lives Around Inc.