WEST WINDSOR: Council approves bond ordinance for crosswalk installation, equipment purchases

By Lea Kahn, Staff Writer
WEST WINDSOR – Township Council approved a $4.18 million bond ordinance Monday night, paving the way for the installation of crosswalks and the purchase of assorted equipment for the Police Department and the Department of Public Works.
The bond ordinance earmarks money to purchase four-wheel-drive vehicles for the Community Development Department and the Police Department, as well as dump trucks and a utility vehicle with a snowplow, and other assorted equipment for the Department of Public Works.
There is money for improvements to the Municipal Administration Building, plus renovations and a new roof for the former Princeton Junction firehouse. The Municipal Public Works complex also is in line for improvements.
The bond ordinance includes money for improvements to the township’s parks, and for the township’s crosswalk improvement plan. A new emergency generator will be purchased for the Municipal Administration Building, and there is money to repave Alexander Road.
And the bond ordinance sets aside money to purchase firearms, portable radios, emergency equipment for patrol cars, and a mobile data terminal replacements. 