Woodbridge schools lose 50 to retirements over school year

Staff Writer

WOODBRIDGE — The Woodbridge School District saw a total of 50 retirements during the 2014-15 school year.

The Board of Education voted to accept the list of retirees at a meeting on June 30.

“These were all of the retirements throughout the year,” said Schools Superintendent Robert Zega, adding that all those who left have been replaced.

Many retirees spent their careers with the district.

Gary Kuzniak topped the list with the most time clocked in the district, retiring in January after 40 years. His last post was as principal at Woodbridge Middle School.

Others included Kathleen Moran, who retired after 39 years. She was a teacher at Colonia High School. Judith Verrilli retired after 38 years. She was a faculty member in the performing arts department at John F. Kennedy Memorial High School.

Carolann Samaniego retired after 38 years as a teacher in the district. Diane Covell, a fashion and design teacher at Colonia High School, retired after 35 years. Eva Vogt, an elementary teacher at Pennsylvania Avenue School No. 27, retired after 35 years. Valerie Kerbis retired after 34 years as a teacher in the district. Patricia Kaelber retired after 33 years. She was a teacher at Woodbridge High School.

Among the approved retirements was Cathie Bedosky, principal of Ford Avenue Elementary School No. 14, who retired after 25 years in the district, effective June 30. She had been suspended with pay in March amid allegations that she interfered with the administration of the NJASK standardized test in 2010 and 2011, according to an investigation by the state Department of Education’s Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance.

The board also approved the retirement of Dennis DeMarino, who served as business administrator and board secretary for 19 years, effective July 2.

He was suspended with pay in February after being charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance.