By Amy Batista, Special Writer
HIGHTSTOWN — The Borough Council authorized the purchase of a new ladder truck for the fire company during its meeting on July 20.
The E-One Aluminum CR-137 ladder truck for Hightstown Engine Co. No. 1 from Absolute Fire will cost $977,617 and will be purchased through the Houston-Galveston Area of Governments (H-GAC), a national cooperative purchasing program.
“The fire department did a great job,” Borough Clerk Debra Sopronyi said. “They went and got their prices out of the co-op and in the co-op and sat with various vendors and this pricing is beneficial for that unit.”
New Jersey recently granted permission for town’s to use national cooperatives but the national cooperatives must conduct purchasing in the same manner that New Jersey does, according to Ms. Sopronyi. She said that New Jersey is one of the strictest states in the nation.
“So there are only certain ones that qualify,” she said.
The H-GAC goes out and bids for fire equipment, ambulances and other products and services and the borough can utilize the co-op through a price comparison.
“Just buying the product through the co-op is cost effective for the municipality,” she said.
Mayor Larry Quattrone congratulated Hightstown Fire Company after the council unanimously passed the resolution.
Michael Sheenan of the Hightstown Engine Co. No. 1 said he spent the last few months working with the committee to help find a replacement for the current truck, which is over 25 years old.
“It’s smaller than what we’ve got but you guys won’t be sorry,” said Mr. Sheenan. “It’s going to enable training to be cut down to a minimum.”
The fire company thanks you, he added.
“Mr. Sheenan, thank you very much for all your cooperation,” Mayor Quattrone said. “I know you came out of the woodwork for this one.”