
PRINCETON: Town using enforcement, education to unclog summer tour bus epidemic

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
Princeton has used a mix of stepped up enforcement and public education since the middle of July to deal with an epidemic of tour buses clogging downtown.
Officials said they feel the town is handling the situation the right way, but acknowledge changing habits of tour bus drivers will take time.
Town administrator Marc D. Dashield said this week that since July 15, the town had issued 48 summonses for a variety of violations, like parking in no parking zones.
“During that same period the police issued 142 warnings and sent out over 30 notices to tour operators,” he said by email Wednesday.
The town has urged buses to use NJ Transit bus stops to discharge passengers and then park along Alexander Street until they are ready to pick them up.
“The police have reported that they have seen more buses using the bus stop as required but continued enforcement will be required. The process of changing the habit will take time,” Mr. Dashield said.
Princeton is a tourist destination, especially in summer, for people who want to visit the college town and get their picture taken in front of historic Nassau Hall. The downside has been the influx of tour buses that clog downtown and make it unsafe for pedestrians by blocking their sight lines when they cross the street.
Councilman Lance Liverman on Wednesday estimated that 25 to 30 buses come into town every day. “It’s a ton,” he said of the amount.
Mr. Liverman said he thinks the town is going about things the right way. “We’re being vigilant,” he said.
For her part, Councilwoman Jo S. Butler said Wednesday that she had not been down Alexander Street during the day to see if buses are parking there or not. She said that in the early morning hours, she still sees tour buses all over Nassau Street — at a time before parking enforcement officers are on the streets.
“I think they’re working on it,” she said. “I do think it’s going to take time.”